2022 Creation for “Dance is (in your) class!” Co-production Sévelin 36, Théâtre du Crochetan
"Grimaces" plays with expressiveness, passing from one state to another: an exaggerated, overplayed emotion easily switches to an opposite emotion, transforms itself, just as children easily pass from laughter to tears or from tears to laughter. Thus in this small form, we pass from hot to cold, with lightness and amusement.
The show is followed by a workshop on emotions, allowing you to recognize them in yourself and in others.
This short form aimed at the youngest (3-5 years old) has chosen simplicity: no music, no decorative elements or accessories, just bodies that are there.
Choreography: Baptiste Cazaux and Clara Delorme
Performers (alternating): Baptiste Cazaux, Giulia Crescenzi,
Clara Delorme, Claire Dessimoz, Emma Saba, Antoine Weil,
Fabio Zoppelli